Local Validation Checklist

Consultation on the Draft Statement of Community Involvement and Draft Local Validation Criteria

The Council consulted on an updated Draft Statement of Community Involvement and Draft Local Validation Criteria from Friday 2 August until Friday 27 September 2019.

All of the consultation responses were collated and reported to the Climate Change, Planning & Housing Cabinet session on 22 January 2020. The revised Statement of Community Involvement and Local Validation Checklist will be in force from Monday 10th February 2020.

Revised Local Validation Checklist

The development management team need the right information to fully assess a planning application. Certain national requirements are mandatory, but local authorities have the discretion to include a local list of validation criteria.

In most circumstances, the list will only apply to non-householder projects, but please check before submitting a householder planning application.

The list is not intended to add any additional burden to development, but make it easier to assess proposals in a timely and consistent manner.

There may be occasions where a case officer asks for additional information or clarification once an application has been submitted. The number of requirements increases with complexity and scale of the planning application, but all information provided should be proportionate.