Our partners

We work with other Council teams and local partners to support people with health and social care needs to get paid work.

Employment and Skills team

Employment and Skills team If you are looking to find and access local opportunities, our Employment and Skills team may be able to help. They offer specialist tailored support for all ages to Solihull residents who are not in employment, education, or training. They also have a specialist team to help people with disabilities. If you need any specific help or adjustments to be made to access this service, please let the team know.

Colebridge Trust

Employment and Skills is a key area of work for Colebridge Trust, which is a registered charity. From their community centre, social supermarket, assembly and packing social enterprise and outreach locations, they directly support hundreds of people through direct intervention work, linking people to local work, volunteering, and training opportunities.

Experts by Experience

Experts by Experience are an organisation made up of individuals all with personal experience of disability, supporting individuals between the ages of 16 - 29, in their own homes, safe spaces and/or community settings by offering one-to-one support sessions to work through a phased programme.

They also work with individuals’ family, friends, and partners to provide support through workshops around how to set targets around physical, social, and educational needs to lead a better quality of life.

Ideal for All

Ideal for All’s team have a lived experience of disability and finding suitable employment around individual needs. They work with individuals to find and retain employment suitable for their needs. They can look at things such as job carving, reasonable adjustments and applying for Access to Work.

They offer wraparound support which is proven to be effective in increasing independence, confidence, and wellbeing - all crucial factors for people on their journey to work.

Better Pathways

Better Pathways offer a 12-week programme designed to prepare participants with the skills, awareness, and confidence they need to progress into employment, education, or training. There are 6 stages of support, overseen by a senior vocational specialist.

Local Supported Employment programme

Solihull Council is part of the Local Supported Employment Programme. This is a national pilot to support people with Autism and/ or a learning disability into work, training or to gain new skills. It offers intensive/ long term support to focus on all areas of going into and retaining employment. To be eligible for this service people must be claiming a qualifying benefit.