Preventing suicide in Solihull

Solihull Zero Suicide pledge

Suicide is a tragedy for those that take their own life and for their family and friends. We want to prevent this tragedy from happening so our long-term ambition is to achieve zero suicides in Solihull.

Everybody has a role to play in preventing suicide so we are encouraging you to sign up to our Solihull Zero Suicide Pledge.

By signing the pledge, you are making a commitment to look after family, friends and colleagues. You are also agreeing to take a 20 minute online training course to help you spot the warning signs in others and signpost them to help.

We are also encouraging organisations to sign our organisational pledge and make a commitment to look after the wellbeing of staff/volunteers as we all do with our family and friends. In addition, we ask that organisations encourage their workforce to sign up to the personal pledge and take the free online suicide awareness training.

If you are aged 16 years or over please sign the pledge.

Make the pledge now

Organisational pledge

Personal pledge

Support services

There are support services that you can signpost people to for help and support if they are struggling with suicidal thoughts.

Volunteering opportunities in Solihull - suicide prevention

If you would like to get involved in helping others, there are local volunteering opportunities at: