Early Years Team Around the Child (EY TAC)

Solihull Early Years Team Around the Child (EY TAC) supports the early identification of emerging SEND.

Early Years Team Around the Child 0 to 4 years

Early Years Team Around the Child (EY TAC) helps families to support young children’s care, learning and development.


The aim is that all young children with high needs will have their needs supported before they enter school.

Who can be referred to EY TAC?

Referrals are for children and family’s who live in in Solihull. Children in a setting will be supported by the settings Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo). They can seek Area SENCo support from the Local Authority Early Years Team or from the 0-25 SEND Service. The referrals are for early years children prior to school entry (0 to 4 years), with significant difficulty in three or more areas of their development.

What does the EY TAC do?

Health services and childminders, with parents, can request support from Solihull education SEND and Speech and Language Therapy services. Parents cannot make an EY TAC referral.

The EY TAC teams liaise with other services working with a child/ family and share advice with professionals working with the child.
