Your future Solihull

You may be eligible for funding towards energy costs and home upgrades through the Household Support Fund (HSF). Click here to find out more and to apply.

What is Your Future Solihull? 

'Your Future Solihull' is the Council's climate change and sustainability campaign. 

Councillor Ian Courts, Leader of Solihull Council, said: “Our vision for the future of Solihull is to make sure we are one of the most sustainable, prosperous and inclusive places in the country, helping to lead the fight against climate change. We see the transition to a low-carbon economy as a huge opportunity for the West Midlands region when it comes to new jobs and growth, not to mention a multitude of associated environmental and wellbeing benefits. However, in order to reach our ambitious target of becoming a net zero carbon emission borough by 2041 we need your help. Together, we all need to adapt our lifestyles and behaviours wherever possible to live more sustainably.”

Click on the sections below to find out what we're doing and how you can get involved. 

Listen to our podcast series