Volunteering in Libraries

Shirley Library is looking for a volunteer to teach and play chess with children aged 8 – 11 on Thursday evenings between 5:00 – 6:00 (term time only).

If interested, please call 0121 704 6300 or come in and speak to a member of staff.

Please note all volunteers over 15 are subject to a DBS check

No other volunteering opportunities are available at present. Other organisations are looking for volunteers and support in the community - go to the Here2Help page for more information. 

Volunteering is a great way to help your community and make a real difference to people’s lives. It is also personally rewarding - helping you to stay active, meet new people, grow in confidence and provide a sense of achievement.

No specific experience is needed for most activities, and we work with you to match your free time with the needs of your local library.

Our volunteers complement the work that our library staff do.

Further information

If you require further information please contact us by email libraries@solihull.gov.uk