Search for Planning and Building Control applications FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

If you've received one of our neighbourhood notification letters, use the reference number starting with PL/ in the search box to go directly to the application.

If you don't have the reference number, use the search box to enter the address or postcode of the site to search for proposals.

You can also use the map search if you don't know the exact address for the site.

Anyone can comment on applications by searching for the application and clicking on the comments tab. You’ll be asked to register with us before you can submit your comment.

If your comments have been submitted correctly you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive this email, please contact us directly on 0121 704 8008.

Comments on planning applications must be made in writing to us to be considered. Whilst you will receive an acknowledgement of the receipt of your submission, we do not respond individually to each letter received. Issues raised are summarised in the Planning Officers report when considering the application against the planning policies that are in place.

You can also send your comments directly to or write to us at Development Management, Solihull MBC, Manor Square, Solihull, B91 3YA, you must include your name and address with any comment. Anonymous comments cannot be considered.

All comments received during the 21 day formal consultation will be taken into account. Development Management endeavour to take into account any correspondence received after this time up until the decision is made.

Your comments will not appear on the internet as a matter of course, but on request will be shared with others in order to balance openness and transparency of the decision making process. For further information please contact the relevant Case Officer managing the application.

Where correspondence is shared, email address, telephone numbers and signatures will be redacted.

Planning can only consider material planning considerations, and you should be aware of this when preparing your comments. For these reason matters of business competition, the loss of a view from your property, or a potential reduction in your property value, are not issues that will be considered. Equally, matters of land ownership, or a party wall, are civil matters over which the planning process can exercise no control. We also can’t consider matters covered by other legislation.

When you make a comment online, a copy is sent directly to the case officer who is managing the application. Your comments will be considered as part of the decision making process and issued raised will be summarised within the Planning Officers report.

Yes, by registering for our website and tracking an application, we will send you email notifications to update you on the planning application. Simply click on the Track button in the right hand corner of the application, further guidance is contained within our Help Guide.

We are currently carrying out a scanning exercise on historical Planning data between 2000 - 2006, therefore planning information and retrieval of documents between these years will not be available until the project is complete.

We are working closely with the scanning company and aim to resume this service as soon as we can. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

We have updated our online information and it now contains decision notices for applications we received between 2004 - January 2015.

Prior 2000 all our records are held at the Council House on microfiche, requests can be made to view these documents by emailing

Plans, maps, drawings and other material submitted to the Councils or Department are protected by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (section 47).

You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.