Report safeguarding

We all have a responsibility to protect children, young people and adults who may be at risk of abuse.

Worried about someone?

If you are worried about someone:

  • In an emergency, please call: 999
  • If there is no immediate risk, call the police on: 101

For members of the public

To report a child or young person at risk call 0121 788 4300 (Monday to Thursday 8.45am to 5.20pm, Friday 8.45am to 4.30pm).

If you are calling out of working hours (Evenings, weekends or bank holidays) please call 0121 605 6060

Emergency numbers

If you can't reach the above out of hours number, please call the following in an emergency only:

  • 07350426528
  • 07350426529

Visit our safeguarding children page for more advice.

For professionals

Our professional referral is for people who work with children or young people.

Report a professional concern

For members of the public

If you are a member of the public and worried about your own safety or about the safety of someone else

Report a safeguarding concern

You can also call us on 0121 704 8007.

Our safeguarding adults page provides more advice.

For professionals

Our professionals safeguarding page is for people who work in adult social care.

Report a safeguarding concern (Professionals)

Who can contact us?

Anyone can contact us, including:

  • If you're at risk of, or are being abused or neglected
  • Family members
  • Friends and neighbours
  • Someone working for the council; a private, independent or voluntary organisation
  • Members of the public

What will happen next?

  • Anything you tell us will be kept in confidence, but we may need to share certain information to keep you safe.
  • We will listen to your individual circumstances and look at how serious the situation is before deciding how to respond.
  • Our first priority is to ensure you, and any other people who may also be at risk, are safe.
  • We will follow a careful and sensitive process to help decide what to do next.
  • We will work together with all of the relevant organisations and give you information and advice.
  • We may need to investigate or take further action in order to protect you.
  • We can provide an advocate for you and your carer.