Exclusion from School

We can provide advice to schools and parents about exclusion

What kinds of exclusions are there?

There are 2 types of exclusions:

  1. Suspensions:  A pupil may be suspended for any period up to 45 days in any school year, including a lunch time suspension where the child is suspended from the site during lunch time periods (the equivalent of a suspension for one half day)
  2. Permanent Exclusion: excluded from the school permanently.

The school must notify the pupil’s parent or carer, without delay, and also confirm in writing:

  • how long the period of the suspension is for;
  • the reason for the suspension; and
  • the proposed date of re-admission.

Parental responsibilities during the exclusion period

During the first 5 days of suspension or permanent exclusion the parent is responsible for their child’s education.

The parent must therefore ensure that their child is not found in a public place in school hours during the first 5 days. If the child is found to be in a public place, without reasonable justification, then a penalty notice may be issued.

Schools and the Local Authority’s responsibilities during the exclusion period

Schools should provide work for the first 5 days of a suspension or permanent exclusion.

For a suspension the governing body of the school must arrange suitable full-time education, starting from the day 6 of the suspension.

For a permanent exclusion the pupil’s home local authority, the authority in which they live in, must arrange suitable full-time education, starting from day 6 of a permanent exclusion.

What happens if my child is permanently excluded?

In exceptional cases, head teachers may decide to permanently exclude a child from the school. A decision by the head teacher to permanently exclude will be followed by a meeting of the Governing Body’s Discipline Committee to either:

  • A) reinstate the permanently excluded pupil or;
  • B) confirm/uphold the head teacher’s decision to exclude.

You will be invited to this meeting and can bring a friend or someone to offer support and/or speak for you. You should receive any relevant papers at least 5 days in advance of the meeting. You may wish to submit a written statement to the governing body.

Can I appeal against the Head Teacher’s and Governing Body’s decision to permanently my child?

If the governing body decides to confirm/uphold the Head Teacher’s decision to permanently exclude your child you have the right to request an Independent Review of the case. The details of who to send your request to should be in your outcome letter from the governing body’s meeting.

GOV.UK provides advice on:

The Education Participation Advisory Service  at Solihull Council are available to provide advice and support to all schools and families about the exclusions process.

If your child is at risk of being permanently excluded or you require further advice about suspensions you can contact us:

If your child has been permanently excluded contact: