About us

photo of a group of teenagers

A Family Hub is a place where children, young people, and families can go when you need help and support.

The people working in the Family Hub will be from the Council, NHS, and voluntary partners working in partnership with you and your community.

They will help you get help from different services in the area. We want to help you solve any problems you may have early before they get bigger. 

Who can access a Family Hub?

Family Hubs are open to everyone. You may need to book an appointment to access some services, but there will always be a safe space available for you if you need it.

Most importantly, Family Hubs offer a safe space for all families. You can get help with many things from:

  • parenting support
  • support groups and social activities
  • health appointments such as with a midwife or a health visitor
  • activities for young people
  • support for children and young people with additional needs
  • and much more

How do I get help from a Family Hub?

You can walk in during opening times, call us, message us on social media, or a professional person can refer you.

To get in touch:

Wherever you live in the borough, you will be able to get help from one of our hub buildings, outreach services and/or digital support.