How we will work together

You have told us that you want to be able to trust people around you. To be asked what you want and then listened to. To know that people will change what they do or how they act by understanding how things make you feel. You want to know you can get help when you need it, and how to get it. Have a choice about what happens to you and be able to do the same things as other children - even if you need more support so this can happen.

Your parent carers told us they want better communication. To know who to contact, what is happening and why and how changes will make things better for you all. They want to be listened to and trust that services care about what is happening in your life and will do what they say they will.

Putting you at the heart of everything we do means that everyone needs to work better together. We can only do this if we have more trust.

So we will make these promises to you and your parent carers:

  • When we tell you we will do something, we will do it. If we can’t do something, we will explain why and let you know what we are going to do about it;
  • We will be honest with you, listen to what you have said and show you what we are changing;
  • We will communicate so you can understand us. We will let you know what changes we are making, how it will make things better and when you should see that;
  • We will help you enjoy living in Solihull. To feel welcome wherever you go and whatever you do. We will find out what you are good at and what you want to do - now and in the future.

Changing how we work in Solihull means everyone who supports you must think about what they do and how they do it. We want them to use these promises in their work and to check that you can see this happening.