About the Deputy Mayor

The Deputy Mayor of Solihull

2024 - 2025 Councillor Annette Mackenzie

Annette was born in Marston Green and was brought up in Sheldon, West Midlands. Annette’s parents moved from Scotland to the West Midlands when her father joined Birmingham City Police Force.

When Annette expressed interest in joining the police force, her father advised her to gain some life skills. After finishing college, she worked in an office. At 17, having never been abroad before, she travelled to Greece and found work as a nanny.

Over the next few years Annette had a variety of occupations, working in shops, offices, a sweet factory, as a fruit picker and an auxiliary nurse, as well as working as a nanny in Greece, Sweden and Switzerland. Her last employment before joining West Midlands Police as a Patrol Officer was managing the Blue Sea Pension hostel in Sitia, Crete. 

Annette was stationed at Solihull Police Station for almost ten years, but after having two children, she made the difficult decision to leave, resigning with an ‘exemplary’ reference.

Annette has four children, two boys and two girls, who all attended local schools in Solihull. She began childminding, with the intention of returning to the police force when her children were older. However, this wasn’t to be, as Annette loved her new occupation and carried on childminding for almost 30 years. During this time, Annette helped run a Childminding Group and a parent/carer and toddler session in Shirley, while completing qualifications in Childhood Studies.

Annette also worked at Long Lartin Prison and as a Family Support Worker, only resigning from this post when she became a Local Councillor.

Annette was also a carer to both her parents in their later years which has helped her with her role on the Carers Partnership Board.

Annette has lived on the Shirley East Ward for over 40 years and has represented this area as a Local Councillor for the last 10 years. Annette has previously been a School Governor.

Annette currently serves on:

  • Children’s Services, Education & Skills Scrutiny Board
  • Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Board
  • Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
  • Solihull Foster Panel
  • Carers Partnership Board - Carers Champion
  • Standards Advisory Committee on Religious Education
  • Corporate Parenting Board
  • Solihull Schools Forum

Annette is also on the committee of the LAYCA Trust Community Centre and Shirley Community Centre.

Annette is the proud grandmother of six children. She is looking forward to her new role as well as continuing with her other commitments.  

The Deputy Mayor's Consort

2024-2025 Kimberley Dodd

Kimberley is the Deputy Mayor’s eldest daughter.

Kimberley was born in Solihull and lives in Solihull. She is the proud mother of three boys who all attend local Solihull schools.

Kimberley gained qualifications in Childhood Studies and worked in the childcare sector for many years. She now works full time as a case worker assisting Solihull residents.