Solihull Youth Justice Service (YJS) provide support for young people displaying harmful sexual behaviours of concern these may include:
- inappropriate touching
- using language that is sexually explicit
- sexually threatening or violent acts
- penetrative sex
We offer a service to young people aged 12 and over following a court order or referral from social care.
Make a referral
The Brooks traffic light tool can help professionals understand healthy sexual behaviour from harmful behaviour. It also helps when making decisions about safeguarding children and young people and assess and respond appropriately to sexual behaviour in children and young people
To report a concern please use our Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) referral form and provide as much information as you can.
YJS Officers will assess each case that meets the criteria.
What are harmful sexual behaviours?
Sexually abusive behaviour is any sexual interaction with, person(s) of any age which is:
- against the victim’s will
- without informed consent
- in an aggressive, exploitative, manipulative or threatening manner
(Ryan & Lane “Juvenile Sexual Offending” 1997)
The criteria
We will offer AIM assessment and intervention for young people in the following categories:
- any young person who is subject to a court order for a sexual offence will be seen by the YJS
- any young person that is referred by social services following their assessment and the identification of abusive behaviour (rather than healthy and problematic behaviours)