Every Friday morning, Corey welcomes residents to the Chelmsley Wood Library with a bright smile. He joined the team in June 2023, thanks to the Council’s Supported Employment scheme which aims to help adults with learning disabilities into paid work.
Corey had always wanted to find a job after college. He was thrilled when he secured this role. Corey shared: “I told my friends and family. I had been here before so I felt at ease. My team welcomed me. The wages help me pay for hobbies like football.”
Corey’s mom, Tracey, added: “He’s even got himself a telly to watch Ant & Dec! Social life is important for him, so this job is great. He’s valued in the community and I’m so proud of him.”
Corey’s supervisor is Michelle Jones, Chelmsley Wood Library Manager. She said: “Corey has always been a joy and a great help in the library. It’s great to see his confidence grows as he develops new skills. He’s our superstar!
“I believe that any learning disability comes with a special strength. For Corey, he is really good at picking up on people’s feelings. If someone’s having a bad day, he never hesitates to show his care. That warms my heart every time.”
When asked what she can share with other employers in the borough, she said: “Just go for it! You’ve got everything to gain and nothing to lose. We didn’t create a new role for Corey. We just found tasks that he would be able to do and enjoy such as book processing. Support for inclusive employment is always available.”
Councillor Michael Gough, Portfolio Holder for Skills, Employment & Inclusion, said: “We are committed to improving the health and wellbeing of all our residents. We always work to make sure that every resident has an equal chance to live happily as an integral and valued member of the community. I’d encourage businesses to get in touch with our Employment and Skills Team to find out more about our support and reap the benefits of inclusive employment.”
If you know any individual or business that can benefit from the support, please contact Employment and Skills Team with employmentteam@solihull.gov.uk.