Public registers and registers held as public records | |
Public registers and registers held as public records |
Asset registers and information asset register | |
Capital asset register | Corporate asset register |
List of Assets of Community Value | List of Assets of Community Value |
Social Housing Information | Property Values |
Register of councillors’ financial and other interests | |
Register of councillors’ financial and other interests |
You can view a Councillors register of interests by selecting their photo. |
Summary of employees’ financial and other interests |
It’s a requirement under our Code of Employee Conduct for employees who are responsible for, or are involved with, third party contracts or are in a senior management position to make an annual declaration. This annual declaration needs to be made even if it is a nil return. You can view data showing the nature of declarations made in the financial year 2023-2024. |
Funerals | |
Burials and Cremations |
As we receive a lot of requests of this nature Solihull Council will now regularly publish information relating to Burials and Cremations in the Borough. |
Public Health Funerals | Public Health Funerals and Deaths Reported to the Treasury Solicitor |
Highways, Licensing, Planning, Commons, Footpaths etc. | |
Highways | |
Licensing |
Section 42 Town Police Clauses Act 1847 Register for Hackney Carriages
Section 51(3) of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 Register for Private Hire Driver’s Licences
Planning and Building Control Applications | |
Footpaths | Definitive Map Modification Order Register |
Register of Electors | |
Register of Electors | Details of what the electoral register is and how to view it are available online |
Risk Management | |
Risk Register | Risk Management |