Open Data and Publication Scheme

Open data is information provided as part of the Government’s transparency agenda. It provides links to facts/figures and other material that the Government has recommended be provided as it is of interest to the public and helps ensure open and transparent government.

Solihull Council is fully committed to the Government's transparency agenda.

In support of this we are pleased to publish a growing amount of data in an 'open' format that can be re-used for personal or commercial purposes in accordance with the's terms and conditions.

For a guide of information that Solihull Council produces you can use our Publication Scheme. The list below provides links to a wide variety of information and categorises it into several broad headings which might make it easier for you to find what you are looking for.

A Publication Scheme is a description of the kinds of information that a public authority should make routinely available and the ways it makes information available. Public authorities must adopt a publication scheme approved by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

To make sure that there is consistency in the release of information, the ICO has developed a model publication scheme that any public authority can use. The publication scheme commits an authority to make information available as part of its normal business activities.

The Council has adopted the model scheme. This is our legal commitment to routinely make available the kinds of information which the ICO requires us to.

Where we are unable to provide information, we have provided contact details that people can use to access the information, for example who to contact to arrange for information to be sent out to you or where to come and view the information.

Solihull Community Housing's Publication Scheme can be viewed here.