Local Offer - Support available to children with SEN in schools

All schools have a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO). Any concerns about your child’s progress should be discussed with your child’s teacher, form tutor and/or the school’s SENCO.

Children and young people who have been identified by their school as not making progress or their progress is a concern will be offered a range of catch up interventions by the school.

If following additional support the child does not catch up it may be agreed the child has special educational needs (SEN) requiring additional provision. The pupil would then be placed on the school’s SEN register at SEN Support; parents/carers would be informed and be part of this decision making

The SEN Code of Practice (2014) requires all schools to have adopted a graduated approach in supporting pupils with special educational needs. This approach includes a cycle of support which will have clear outcomes which are reviewed regularly.

All schools have a website which details their provision for pupils with SEND this is called their school offer or school information.

If a child continues to struggle to make progress a school may make a referral to a specialist service. A specialist service could be a health service such as a speech and language therapist or occupational therapist or an educational service such as a specialist teacher.  In Solihull schools have access to the LA Specialist Inclusion Support Service and for concerns about learning a referral would be made to the Communication and Learning Difficulties (CLD) Team.  Parental consent is required for school to make a referral.