Consultation on the Draft "Meeting Housing Needs" Supplementary Planning Document

The Council adopted its “Meeting Housing Needs” supplementary planning document on the 3rd July 2014.

On the 19 May 2016 Government announced changes to national planning guidance in respect of the thresholds at which affordable housing contributions may be sought and a vacant building credit, which applies where developments re-use existing buildings or include the demolition of existing buildings. Solihull has adopted an Addendum to Solihull ‘Meeting Housing Needs’ Supplementary Planning Document.

One of the key policies of the Solihull Local Plan is to address the housing needs of the Borough. The “Meeting Housing Needs” supplementary planning document sets out the mechanisms and criteria for delivery of affordable housing and the mix of market housing through the planning system across the Borough. It will help improve the delivery and maximise the opportunities available for the provision of affordable housing and the market mix by type and size.

This was consulted upon earlier this year as explained below. The Council considered all the responses received and these were reported to the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Land on the 25 June 2014, who approved the adoption of the supplementary planning document.

You can view the Adoption statement.

Consultation on the Draft “Meeting Housing Needs” Supplementary Planning Document (Now Closed)

Following Cabinet Member approval the Council has published the Draft “Meeting Housing Needs” Supplementary Planning Document for consultation in accordance with Regulation 12 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

The Draft Supplementary Planning Document aims to set out the mechanisms and criteria for delivery of affordable housing and the mix of market housing through the planning system across the Borough.  It will aim to improve the delivery and maximise the opportunities available for the provision of affordable housing and the market mix by type and size. Once adopted the Supplementary Planning Document will replace the Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance (2003) and will supplement Solihull Local Plan Policy P4.

Paper copies of the Draft Supplementary Planning Document are available for public inspection at the locations listed in the Statement of Supplementary Planning Document Matters.

You can view The Statement of Consultation in relation to Draft “Meeting Housing Needs” Supplementary Planning Document.

Two further background documents to support the development of the Supplementary Planning Document are also available. These are the Council’s Strategic Housing Market Assessment and the CBRE Affordable Housing Viability Study.