The Solihull Local Plan Review has advanced through several significant stages and this archive page details these past stages.
Publication of Regulation 19 Representations
We have now published all representations received as part of the Regulation 19 representation period. These can be viewed via our online database
Our help guide providing information on how to view comments.
In addition to viewing the individual representations in full via our portal, we have also published:
- A summary of the main issues raised under chapter heading/policy/site allocation
- Summary of all individual representations received in document order
- Summary of all individual representation received in respondent order
- Index of respondents
You can use the find function (CTRL+F) to search on the summary documents for a name or respondent ID.
The latest version of the Solihull Local Plan is our Regulation 19 version of the plan, which was open for representations between 30th October and 14th December 2020.
The plan is based on our updated evidence and we have also produced a number of Concept Masterplans which show our aspirations for the allocated sites.
Solihull’s Local Plan will guide the development of the borough for the next decade, and beyond. It is the basis for future planning decisions as it creates a ‘blueprint’ for when and where major developments can take place, and where it shouldn’t.
The representations received will be the focus of the independent examination, which is the next stage in the process, and is expected to take place later this year. This Examination in Public (EiP) will be overseen by a nominated Inspector appointed on behalf of the Secretary of State, and he or she will be provided with all of the representations made at this stage. The EiP will be the final scrutiny before the plan can be adopted.
In accordance with the resolution from Council, the next step in the process is the submission of the plan to the Secretary of State (via the Planning Inspectorate) and arrangements are currently being made for the representations to be reviewed before a decision is made to submit the plan.
Regulation 19 representation period
The Regulation 19 representation period for the Solihull Local Plan: Draft Submission Version has now closed; we would like to thank everyone who has responded. Representations will now be collated and analysed and further updates will appear on this page in due course.
We are now publishing the latest version of the Solihull Local Plan. This stage is known as the Regulation 19 version of the plan, which is the final chance to make representations before the plan is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for independent examination.
The consultation will run from 30 October 2020 to 14 December 2020.
At this stage the plan is known as the Draft Submission Version. It takes account of the earlier consultations that took place between 2015 and 2019 and is also based on updated evidence. We have also produced a number of Concept Masterplans which show our aspirations for the allocated sites.
Solihull’s Local Plan will guide the development of the borough for the next decade, and beyond. It is the basis for future planning decisions as it creates a ‘blueprint’ for when and where major developments can take place, and where it shouldn’t.
The representations received will be the focus of the independent examination, which is the next stage in the process, and is expected to take place next year. This Examination in Public (EiP) will be overseen by a nominated Inspector appointed on behalf of the Secretary of State, and he or she will be provided with all of the representations made at this stage. The EiP will be the final scrutiny before the plan can be adopted.
How to Take Part
Make a Representation
In order to help to assist with making your comments, we recommend reviewing the following key documents:
- Solihull Local Plan: Draft Submission Version
- Concept Masterplans
- Policies Plan Map
- Notes for making a representation
- Notes for making a representation about a specific allocated site
- Guidance notes for using on online portal
- Privacy Notice
- Statement of Representations
- Statement of Consultation
- Statement of Community Involvement
- Frequently Asked Questions
To ensure we (and the examiner) know exactly which part of the plan you wish to make representation on, we recommend using our online portal.
If you prefer to use our written form, please return it via email to or by post to:
LPR Consultation Policy and Delivery
Solihull MBC
B91 3QB
Please note if you wish to comment using the form and wish to make comments on multiple sections polices of the document, you will need to complete a separate sheet for each different policy or site. To help with this you can use the multiple submission form.
Three webinars have been held in place of drop-in sessions at libraries. These can be viewed on the Council’s YouTube page.
Draft Local Plan Supplementary Consultation (now closed)
Consultation on a supplementary update to the Draft Local Plan took place from January to March 2019.
This consultation sought to:
- provide an update on local housing need now that national planning policy has changed through the introduction of a standard methodology
- assess the 70+ additional call-for-sites submissions that have been submitted since the DLP was published
- refine the site selection process for assessing which sites should be included in the plan and reassess all sites (c320) to ensure that the preferred sites are the most appropriate when considered against the spatial strategy, and existing/new or updated evidence
- publishing concept masterplans for the principal allocations
- exploring a different approach to calculating how affordable housing provision should be calculated on an individual site
- setting out the role of the main settlements in the future and seeking views on the existing pressures and future requirements for infrastructure provision
This consultation was not seeking to:
- revise the contribution that the Council is making towards the HMA shortfall, this will be considered through the draft submission version of the plan
- amend the overall spatial strategy set out in the DLP
- revisit the non-housing related parts of the DLP
The following documents were published as part of the consultation:
- Draft Local Plan Supplementary Consultation Document
- Solihull Local Plan Review - Draft Concept Masterplans
- Draft Local Plan Supplementary Consultation: Amber Sites
- Draft Local Plan Supplementary Consultation: Site Assessments
- Draft Local Plan Supplementary Consultation: Site Assessments Key Plan
The Council will use the responses to the consultation to inform the content of the next iteration of the plan, which is expected to be the Draft Submission Local Plan to be published later in the year. In the summer the Council will publish a summary document of the consultation responses received as part of the consultation that has just taken place.
Draft Local Plan (Supplementary Consultation) - Summary of Representations (July 2019)
The Draft Local Plan Supplementary Consultation took place from January 2019 to March 2019. Full details of the consultation and the documents published with the consultation can be found on the Local Plan Review archive page.
Over 3,800 representations were made and these have summarised in the Draft Local Plan Supplementary Consultation - Summary of Representations (July 2019).
The ‘Summary of representations’ to the Draft Local Plan Review (Supplementary Consultation) was reported to Cabinet Members on 18 July 2019.
The summary of representations document provides an overview of all of the comments submitted and is arranged by question or site reference. For those wishing to see more detail we have also published full schedules of individual submission summaries arranged both by question/site and name. These are long documents and not intended to be printed.
Whilst reading the schedules, it is recommended that the search function (‘Ctrl F’) in Adobe Reader is used to locate the name(s) of respondents you are interested in.
Redacted versions of the original representations can be found on our online consultation portal. To assist you in finding responses and who made them, please either use the search function on the portal or look up the respondents reference number (the number in square brackets) in either of the schedules described above.
Nearly 1,100 respondents took part in the consultation. Thank you to everyone who has responded, attended a workshop or drop-in session.
All of the feedback from the consultation is being carefully analysed and considered to inform the Submission Draft of the Local Plan Review.
Greater Birmingham Housing Market Area (HMA) - Strategic Growth Study (February 2018)
Local authorities have a legal duty to cooperate with each other on the planning of their areas. The publication of the Strategic Growth Study (21 February 2018) shows cooperation between the 14 authorities from across the Greater Birmingham Housing Market Area.
The Strategic Growth Study it is not a policy document that is proposing what should be built and where - that is something that the Solihull Local Plan needs to decide - but the study is important evidence that the Council needs to take into account and respond to.
A copy of the study and its appendices can be downloaded.
An agreed position statement across the 14 authorities is also available.
Draft Local Plan Review - Summary of Representations (July 2017)
A summary of representations to the Draft Local Plan Review consultation was reported to Cabinet Members on 18 July 2017.
Following the meeting, the Council has updated the Summary of Representations and Call for Sites Schedule.
The summary of representations document provides an overview of all of the comments submitted and is arranged by question or site reference. For those wishing to see more detail we have also published full schedules of individual submission summaries arranged both by question/site and by name. These are long documents and not intended to be printed.
The schedule arranged by question/site has a contents page to enable relevant sections to be easily located; and if reading the schedule arranged by respondent name it is recommended that the ‘Ctrl F’ function in Adobe Reader is used to locate the name(s) of respondents you are interested in.
Redacted versions of the original representations can be found on our online consultation portal. To assist you in finding responses and who made them, please either use the search function on the portal or look up the respondents reference number (the number in square brackets) in either of the schedules described above.
The Local Development Scheme will be updated with a revised timetable as follows:
- publication of Submission Draft (for consultation) - Summer / Autumn 2018
- submission to Secretary of State - Winter 2018/19
- examination of Plan - Spring 2019
- adoption of the Local Plan Review - Summer 2019
About 1750 responses were made to the consultation. Thank you to everyone who has responded, attended a workshop or drop-in session.
All of the feedback from the consultation is being carefully analysed and considered to inform the Submission Draft of the Local Plan Review which is expected to be published in Summer / Autumn 2018.
Draft Local Plan Review consultation (Dec 2016 - now closed)
Following approval of the Draft Local Plan Review document at Full Cabinet on 10 November 2016, this took place from Monday 5 December 2016 until Friday 17 February 2017.
The Council is seeking views on the revised policies and proposed site allocations for housing and employment land, in addition to those in the existing Plan. The Council is also publishing the updated evidence base.
Preparation of the Draft Local Plan Review (April 2016)
Following consideration of the representations to the Scope, Issues and Options consultation, the Council is preparing the next stage of the Local Plan Review, the Draft Local Plan, and updating the evidence base.
Scope, Issues and Options consultation (November 2015 - Now Ended)
The full consultation document was approved by Full Cabinet on 12 November 2015.
This initial consultation focused on scoping the local plan review; the issues that the review will need to address; and an identification of broad options. The consultation ran from 30 November 2015 until 22 January 2016
About 170 representations were received, and these were presented to the Council's Scrutiny Board and Cabinet Member. The summary of representations and the Council's response to these are available here. These will now inform the preparation of the Draft Local Plan Review
The Council also launched a fresh ‘Call for Sites’ for landowners and interested parties to put forward land for housing and economic development. For more information see Local Plan Review Evidence Base.