Solihull School Streets

Many schools across the borough experience a number of traffic related issues at the beginning and end of each school day. Our School Streets project aims to address such issues by limiting traffic in the streets surrounding schools at key times, creating a predominantly car free zone.

We aim to create a safer, more pleasant environment for everyone around schools. The scheme promotes active travel to school by walking and cycling, which in turn, will help to reduce congestion and pollution in the area.

The benefits of the scheme include:

  • an increase in walking and cycling and active lifestyles for pupils and parents/carers
  • a reduction in traffic speed, congestion and pollution around the school gates which will aid children and parents when accessing school
  • improvements in levels of childhood obesity
  • provide a tool to allow the Council to proactively respond to parking related concerns raised by parents and residents

Where is it happening?

The current schools are:

The restrictions mean that most vehicles, including those driven by parents and carers at the three schools not able to drive into the roads covered by the restrictions to drop off or pick up children during the periods that the restriction is in force.

There are however a number of exemptions to the restriction that permit certain traffic to use the roads during the period that the restriction is in force.