Am I a carer?

Help improve support for carers

Would you like to influence support provided to unpaid carers in Solihull? Register your interest today and get involved.

Do you provide regular unpaid emotional or physical support to:

  • a child with special educational needs and or/disabilities
  • an older person
  • an adult with a physical disability, terminal illness or long term health condition
  • an adult with a learning disability
  • an adult with mental health needs
  • someone who has issues with drugs or alcohol.

If you have answered yes to any of these situations, you are a carer. Your age, relationship to the person you are caring for and the kind of support you provide does not matter.

Some people become carers over a period of time. They do more and more for the person they care for. Other people suddenly find themselves in a caring role, often as the result of a crisis such as their spouse or partner, relative or friend going into hospital.

Carers may assist the person they care for with domestic tasks, personal care, financial planning and support, medical care, emotional support, communication, liaising with professionals on their behalf and more.

Solihull Council and Carers Trust Solihull are here to support you in your caring role. Please explore the information on our carer pages and watch the video below to find out how we can help.