Personal budgets for children and young people

You may have already requested or been asked to undergo a formal assessment by Education, Social Care or Health. Depending on the outcome of your assessment and any help and support that has been agreed through the assessment process, a budget value is then approved by Solihull Council (SMBC) and/or the Integrated Care Board (ICB - Health) to provide this. This fund is known as a personal budget. A direct payment is one method of you managing the money allocated to you as a personal budget.  

A personal budget is different for each child or young person. The positive changes or outcomes expected as a result of the support will be written in your Education, Health and Care Plan or a Social Care Child in Need / Care Plan (Health). Your personal budget must be used to support you in achieving these outcomes and the impact of the personal budget on these outcomes will be monitored on a regular basis.

As you move into adulthood there will be a period of transition where the services you receive move from children’s services to adult’s services, but the people you deal with in education services may remain the same. At this point, you will become the decision maker about your care and support and our services make assessments under different frameworks. Don’t worry, we can support you through this.

Services in Solihull currently administer and approve personal budgets individually. They all have support mechanisms in place to help you through the process of requesting and managing a personal budget.

Here are some useful links to advice:

Education personal budgets are another way for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) to get the support listed in their education, health, and care (EHC) plan.

This is not additional money so would be taken from the overall sum of money allocated in your EHCP, because of this we have to ask the headteacher headteacher’s permission. It also won’t cover any other support that is commissioned as a local authority (e.g. speech and language therapy).

Education personal budget

EHC Personal Budgets ( 

Your personal budget is the amount of money Solihull Council will pay towards any social care and support you need.

You may request a personal budget following your care assessment and have an agreed support plan. In the case of young people who are moving into adult social care you will have an individual support plan written for you indicating your next moves and whether or not you should receive this payment directly.

Social care for children

Social care for adults

Social care budget guide ( 

Personal health budgets are about having greater control and choice over the care and support you receive, which can improve your health and wellbeing. 

A personal health budget is one way of receiving more personalised care: knowing how much money is available to spend should enable you to choose the services, equipment or therapies which best meet your needs.

Personal health budgets

Personal health budget guide (