Business rates reductions

There are several business rate reductions (reliefs) that you may be eligible for.

For free information or advice contact the team on 0121 704 8173.

Transitional Relief

Transitional relief limits how much your bill will go up as a result of the revaluation. This means if your business is eligible for transitional relief, the increases to the business rates bill will be phased in gradually.

The below table shows the percentage increases applied to phase in your bill over the next three years:

Rateable Value 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026
Up to £28,000 5% 10% plus inflation 25% plus inflation
£28,000 to £100,000 15% 25% plus inflation 40% plus inflation
Over £100,000 30% 40% plus inflation

55% plus inflation

Supporting Small Businesses Rate Relief

The Government is providing funding to local authorities so that they can provide relief to those ratepayers facing large increases in business rates charge as a result of the loss of Small Business Rates Relief due to the revaluation effective from 1 April 2023. This relief is in addition to the Transitional Relief arrangements introduced 1 April 2023.
Entitlement to Supporting Small Business Rate Relief is automatically calculated and granted to eligible ratepayers.

Please note that this relief will cease at the end of the 2025/2026 financial year.

Empty properties

Empty properties are exempt from business rates for the first three months they are empty. Industrial and warehouse properties qualify for a further three months exemption. After this period full business rates are payable unless:

  • the property has a rateable value less than £2,900 (2023 Rating List)
  • the property is a listed building
  • the ratepayer is bankrupt or in liquidation
  • the ratepayer is a company in administration
  • ratepayer is entitled to occupy as an executor of a deceased person
  • the ratepayer is prohibited by law to occupy the property

Charities can also get extended empty property relief providing that the next use of that property is for that charity, or a charity with the same aims and objectives. The same applies for amateur sports clubs.

Improvement relief

What is improvement relief?

  • Improvement relief supports businesses who have invested in their property
  • It provides relief from higher business rates bills, where the increase in your bill was due to making certain improvements to your property
  • The relief lasts for 12 months from when the improvement works were completed

To be eligible for improvement relief, you must:

  • have qualifying improvement works, and
  • meet the occupation condition

You do not need to apply for improvement relief or do anything differently. If you meet the requirements, we will apply the relief to your bills.

For more information, please go to GOV.UK.

Partly occupied property relief

A ratepayer is liable for full business rates whether a property is wholly occupied or only partly occupied. However, where a property is partly occupied for a short time we have discretion in certain cases to award relief in respect of the unoccupied part.

To apply you will need to supply us with:

  • a letter explaining the changes, including the date of when your property became or will become partly occupied
  • a floor plan that identifies the unoccupied area

Hardship relief

We may be able to provide hardship relief if you are experiencing hardship and your business is of importance to the local community.