Local Offer - Co-production

Co-production is where service providers work in partnership with other services, young people, families, and carers to ensure they have a positive impact on people’s lives and are effective in their delivery.

Partners should work together to co-evaluate provision and identify improvements that can be made on an ongoing basis. Effective engagement and participation are required at all levels, and should include those that commission services, those who deliver them, and those that receive them.

In Solihull we are committed to ensuring co-production, and improving the lives of children and young people, is at the heart of all we do.

Our strategic partners in co-production are:

We, as people in Solihull who access services, families, carers, Council officers, decision makers, and partner organisations are committed to ensuring that we work together to ensure that the principles of effective co-production underpin the shaping and improving of services.

We will:

  • be welcoming and caring
  • treat everyone equally and with respect
  • communicate clearly and honestly
  • work in partnership and be inclusive
  • agree upfront the level of co-production on any activity
  • use a co-production logo on published documents
  • we will develop and cultivate our working relationships in order to achieve trust

To ensure that genuine co-production happens in Solihull we will:

  • be clear about the nature of the work to be undertaken and the level of co-production needed to get the best outcome
  • from the start consider “who do we need to involve?” and make contact at the first possible opportunity. We will always ask “who have we missed?”
  • directly involve children with SEND, their parent/carers along with other participants to ensure our way of working together is built on trust, transparency and open communication
  • consider when, where and how any meetings will take place to make sure that they are accessible to all
  • come to the table with a blank agenda and build it together with the people that access a service, their families and carers. We will monitor the agenda and how it progresses to ensure it is clear how all views have shaped the direction
  • give equal value to every participants contribution
  • ensure that everyone gets the same information, at the same time, in a way that they can access it
  • maintain confidentiality as agreed for every project
  • facilitate discussion and actively listen
  • always provide feedback so that people can see what happens as a result of their participation
  • understand that the final outcome may be a compromise, however we will ensure that all voices have been heard in reaching a compromise