Help for early years children with emerging Special Educational Needs (SEN)

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Guidance for settings:

Guidance for parents:

Talk to health visitors or another health professional or your child child’s key person if they are in an early education setting:

Speak to your child child’s key person about your concerns. In a group setting there will also be a SENCO - a special educational needs coordinator. The Early Years SENCO has a key role in supporting colleagues and coordinating the response of the setting to children with SEN. They may talk to you about referring for additional support.

The setting may talk to you about their graduated approach. Solihull has guidance to support this assess-plan-do-review cycle of support.

Talk to health professionals about your concerns. They may talk to you about referring for additional support.

Health professionals may talk to you about a referral to The Early Years Team for support for children where there are more complex needs.

The Local Offer in Solihull details support that might be available to you. This may include specialist support services, such as The Autism Team or Sensory and Physical Impairment Team (SPI). Further information about these support teams are included in this document.

You may find it helpful to join Solihull Parents Parents’ Network or to contact Solihull Parent Carer Voice or Solihull Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Service (SENDIAS).

Contact details for these groups can be found on the Local Offer.