Planning, policy and flood risk

Flood risk management works alongside the planning system to ensure that any new development is located away from areas that are at high risk of flooding and to ensure that it does not cause additional risk to those living downstream.

As Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), we are a statutory consultee on all major planning applications defined as:

  • the creation of 10 or more residential units.
  • residential development of on a site of 0.5 hectares or more (where the number of residential units is not yet known i.e. for outline applications)
  • non-Residential development or change of use on a site of at least 1 hectare
  • creation of change of use of 1,000 square metres or more of gross floor space (not including housing)

We encourage all prospective developers to first contact the local planning authority to determine whether your development proposal is acceptable in principle and on a planning policy basis. You can then contact us by email at for pre-application advice.

All sites are expected to incorporate a range of above ground SuDS features into the layout of the scheme from the outset. As a rule, we do not normally accept the inclusion of buried tanks and storage on new sites as there are now significant numbers of good and best practice examples of how development layouts can work with water to ensure positive outcomes including using these areas for multi-functionality

We are in the process of updating our SuDS guidance and a SuDS Handbook. In the meantime developers are directed to the below.

Policies and plans

Various policies and plans relating to flood risk in Solihull have been published, as follows:

Flooding Investigations

As the Lead Local Flood Authority, Solihull Council carries out investigations into flooding incidents.

We have undertaken the following Section 19 investigations to date:

Leaflets and guidance

We have produced the following leaflets which we hope help to explain some of the policies and principles for living and working with water.